Air conditioning spray
Air conditioning spray
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- Biztonságos fizetés
- Gyors szállítás
United Sprays Air-conditioning foam spray, a special product that is easy to use, yet extremely effective, cleans the air-conditioning system optimally by spraying the foam on the cooling pipes and evaporating it. Its active ingredients slow down or prevent the formation of new fungi or bacteria. It can be used universally for cleaning air conditioners in various vehicles, industrial plants, workshops, households and other users.
The United Sprays air-conditioning foam spray easily and without residue removes molds, germs, various bacteria, and leaves behind a long-lasting, fresh, pleasant scent, ensuring good air.
It does not attack plastic accessories and parts. It can also be used to remove odors from various animals (dogs, cats), as well as sweat, smoke, mold, and rotten odors, but it is best used for cleaning air conditioning equipment.
The dust or pollen filter or other filter devices must be removed, then the foam must be injected into a freely accessible channel in the evaporator and approx. Leave it on for 15 minutes.
Box contents min. enough to clean a system. Keep the box upright while spraying. Switch off the air conditioner while spraying! When the engine is running and warm, the doors must be opened and the car must be left idling until the active foam has evaporated. It is recommended to move the heating control button from closed to open several times to ensure that the channels dry out. The vehicle (room) must always be ventilated until the climate cleaning foam has completely evaporated. Special area of use: especially recommended after a longer standstill period (winter). Due to its very good bactericidal effect, the climate cleaning foam not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but also permanently prevents the reproduction of fungi and bacteria!